Do you have an inner critic? That voice that pops into your head to tell that you will fail, that you will look stupid, that you aren’t deserving of success? Are you great at what you do but constantly feel like an impostor? Does your inner critic laugh and tell you that you’re going to be found out? Do you get in your own way by self-sabotaging your attempts to make any changes in your life? If any of this sounds familiar and you want to build incredible confidence and self-belief by creating your inner-cheerleader, then why not book a free consultation?
I help clients let go of self-sabotage and negative self-talk in order to unleash their authentic truth, value and strength. I’m so EXCITED to be able to share some of the INCREDIBLE techniques I’ve used so you too can enjoy the AMAZING results.

Lou Laggan Coaching & Development
As a professional person you have so many roles to fulfil: business owner, career professional; parent; wife / husband; partner, son or daughter, mentor or friend to name a few! It’ s a constant juggling act to keep everyone else happy and no matter how hard you try you feel like you’re failing everyone. Negative self-talk stops you from achieving the success you truly deserve; you cannot find the time to look after yourself and you’re gradually worn down until you are lost in the role of an impostor and are at the mercy of the negative thoughts from your inner critic.
Professional Coach Lou Laggan will show you how to be free of these feelings; to be able to enjoy all aspects of your life free of guilt and shame. Lou will help you gain a freedom of heart, mind and soul that you never believed was possible. A freedom that means you balance work and family, allowing yourself to be fully present in and enjoying each completely . A freedom that comes from a deep and confident self-belief that allows you to see your true strength and value. A freedom that comes from turning your inner-critic into your inner-cheerleader so that you can thrive at home, at work, in life.