Meet BooBooBear!
BooBoo was given to me by a dear friend in America in 2005, just as I was returning home.
As he started his life with me as a travelling bear, that continued and he goes everywhere with me, clipped onto my bag.
I’ve always liked bears. I still have my first Teddy Bear (Jingle Bells) that I received on my first Christmas.
Let me explain to you how BooBoo came to be an integral part of my business and how #BearWisdom® orignated.
It began with Twitter back in 2012.
At that time I didn’t have any social media accounts but I’d heard a lot of people talking about Twitter. I really didn’t see the point of it, I mean, who would be interested in what I was having for tea? Photos of your food was the extent of my Twitter knowledge!
I told myself not to judge something I hadn’t tried.
So I opened a twitter account in my name.
I still didn’t understand it!
After a little bit of exploration I came across bears that were tweeting.
Yes, bears tweeting as bears.
Each with there own very distinct way of talking and each with a clear personality.
So I opened an account for BooBooBear.
He would like me to point out at this stage that, within a week, he had a thousand followers to my twenty!

It wasn’t long before BooBoo had lots of ‘stuffie’ friends on twitter, bears, dogs, koalas, sheep , monkeys – all stuffies!
They are all rather partial to ‘tweetups’, cake and never say no to a beer or any form of shenanigans.
There are bear friends all over the world and tweetups have taken place all over the world too.
Bear Support
During that first year on twitter I was having a particularly tough time until eventually clinical depression set in.
I wasn’t able to go out, to speak to anyone or do anything; in fact, I hardly ever left my room.
There was an emptiness, a hopeless void and I was in a dark hole that I simply didn’t believe I would ever escape from.
During those months, the only contact I had with the outside world was through BooBooBear on twitter. He became my voice.
All his pals rallied round and kept in touch.
They never applied pressure to join in but always made sure I felt included.

They would send silly messages with suggestions on how BooBoo could look after his ‘hoomun’. Sometimes it was a funny picture or an invitation to pop along to the #TeddyEmbassy.This contact was an incredible gift from people and bears that I hadn’t actually met in person.
As I began to recover, BooBoo continued to travel with me and join in the shenanigans on twitter as well as starting to create plenty of his own.
It wasn’t long before I began to join in tweetups, where the bears would physically meet up, ably assisted by their humans or assistants!
These tweetups have been all over the country, days out to long weekends depending upon the event and location. All were with the most generous and fun loving group of humans and bears you could imagine.
BooBoo then became a key part of maintaining my mental wellbeing, a prompt to remind me to take care of myself and to have fun each and every day, no matter how busy I may be.
I’m passionate about coaching others to achieve their potential and transform their lives and coaching is all about relationships. As a business owner, I want my business to reflect me and my own journey. BooBoo has been an instrumental part of me becoming who I am today; his wisdom and the wisdom of all his bear friends continues to keep me living my best life.