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NE Life Coach, NE, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Change, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, inner-critic, inner-cheerleader, North East, North Tyneside, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, North Shields, Cullercoats, Tyne and Wear, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, life change, NLP, Business coaching, goals, success, performance, panic, belief, self-belief, self-confidence, presentations, sales, Sydney, Spain, Melbourne, Australia, Europe, International, world, living, life, BearWisdom, NEFollowers, Perfectionism, Fear, Failure, resilience, mindset, stress, self-belief, self-confidence, transformation, high performance,

Imagine your brain is a powerful computer, but some programs in there contain a glitch.  They keep running with that glitch, over and over again.
The glitch could be feeling sick as you step into a lift, a phobia of some sort, maybe it’s dealing with an over-active inner-critic, or crippling nerves before an interview.
These glitches don’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, they’re just not helpful are they?

NLP teaches you how to rewrite that program so it runs without the glitch; it runs quicker; it runs smoothly and helpfully.


There are a number of course options available for both Practitioner and Master Practitioner level.

self-belief, inner-critic, self-doubt, confidence

Tired of fighting negative thoughts every day?

Sick of trying to make changes in your life & career only for your inner-critic to tell you that you’re worthless & that you’ll fail?

You have a successful career, a happy personal life but still feel like you’re failing…

You want to make changes, but your Inner-Critic keeps getting in the way & no matter what you do it just gets louder.

This 4 hour online course will help you build a more helpful relationship with your inner-critic and provide you the foundations to begin growing unshakeable self-belief.

Completed at your own pace and also includes a Coaching Session with Lou.

Tell Me More

NLP Bootcamp™ is a monthly Zoom meeting where we focus on a particular topic in NLP.

It’s an opportunity for open discussion, learning and practice.  The chance to share ideas and best practice, talk through successes and challenges as well as gain support during your NLP learning journey and beyond.

All sessions are currently free and available to book via Eventbrite.

NLP, Communication, coaching, learning, nlp bootcamp, newcastle upon tyne, relationships, filters, beliefs, behaviour, NYC, USA, atlanta, floridy, california, boston, north carolina, newcastle, south carolina

​Our focus for this Bootcamp is Sensory Language and how we use it to make sense of our world.

Listening to the way others express themselves, and how their words relate to their senses, reveals so much more than words alone. As someone expresses themselves, listening to the way they talk – their thoughts, feelings and the descriptive words they consistently use, can reveal great deal. Their language highlights their key preferences.

You can identify someone’s language and decode how they process the world around them via their unconscious use of sense-related words, which originate in deep-seated patterns that drive the way they process and make sense of life.

This adds extra breadth and depth to the quality of your listening. Join us to find out what you need to know about decoding sensory language.

 Reserve My Place

NLP, Communication, coaching, learning, nlp bootcamp, newcastle upon tyne, relationships, filters, beliefs, behaviour, NYC, USA, atlanta, floridy, california, boston, north carolina, newcastle, south carolina

If you have ever been curious about how the same experience can be remembered differently by two people, then this is the Bootcamp for you.
The Model explains how we take in and process information from the world around us before we represent these internal thoughts back to the world through our communication.
The fact that we can make sense of the millions of bits of information coming at us from the world every second is an incredible thing. There must be a process!

And there is – It’s filtered in several ways based on importance, beliefs, memories and even what we are paying attention to plus many other factors. Everyone’s filter system is completely unique, which makes it incredible that we can communicate at all!
Understanding this process is key to not only being aware of how you communicate the way you do, but also to noticing the way others communicate too.
And when you learn how it works, its just one more step to being able to flex your communication to build better relationships, communicate with precision and ensure your message is always clear.

Join us as we explain the NLP Communication Model and open the door to better communication for every situation.

 Reserve My Place

nlp, neuro linguistic progra

Sunday November 26th 7pm – 8pm

Neuro Linguistic Programming – An Introduction


NLP is a powerful combination of art and science that focuses on how we think and process thoughts plus how behaviour and language are used to express thoughts as we interact with others.

Essentially, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), is a study of excellence which allows you to open up your own experience of the world as well as increase your understanding of how others interpret their ‘model of the world’. It’s a way of thinking combined with an attitude of curiosity, learning and respect for others. The focus is on how to think rather than what to think.

NLP is the science of understanding how we do what we do, how we think, feel and behave, along with an understanding of the results this produces. Combined with the art of understanding and changing the“inner” language we use to represent our experiences, it positively transforms your personal & professional life for long-term success.

NLP Bootcamp™ will provide you with a basic introduction to NLP including how it can help you and you will come away with a practical model that you can implement to begin transforming your life.

Reserve My Place

NLP, Neurolinguistic programming, Lou Laggan Coaching, Coaching, development, transformation, Newcastle, North Tyneside, USA, Cali, Florida, Miami, NYC, New York, Texas, Michigan, Canada,

Sunday July 30th 7pm – 8pm

Enhancing Collaboration and Creativity with NLP

We are all creative, we generate ideas which may represent our dreams and goals. Sadly, too often we don’t progress them.


Well our inner-critic jumps straight in to shoot them down. ‘That will never work’, ‘What makes you think you can do that?’.

It can happen in a work environment too. Working in a team, coming up with ideas, how many ideas don’t get off the ground, don’t even get explored?

Again, the critics jump in and immediately focus on how it won’t work.  All these voices need to be heard. The real question is about the timing.

The NLP Disney Strategy is a wonderful way to enhance creativity and collabortion. Everyone is heard. All of our inner voices have an opportunity to contribute and be heard. The same when we work in a team, everyone’s voice is important and needs to be heard.

The Disney strategy allows you to both explore all ideas AND give everyone a voice, even the critics, perhaps especially the critics.

Based on Walt Disney’s Imagineering approach, we utilise the same approach that led to films about a flying elephant, a talking mouse, a magic bedknob, ballerina hippos and dancing penguins!

Reserve My Place

NLP, Neurolinguistic programming, Lou Laggan Coaching, Coaching, development, transformation, Newcastle, North Tyneside, USA, Cali, Florida, Miami, NYC, New York,

Sunday June 25th 7pm – 8pm

The Focus for our next Bootcamp is SENSORY ACUITY

Sensory acuity in NLP is about paying more attention to what’s going on. It’s about noticing more by paying attention to the information that was there all along.

People give out huge amounts of information from moment to moment. Changes in their emotional states and in what they are thinking about cause changes in their physiology. We can learn to notice these changes.

Sometimes these changes are subtle, sometimes they are so obvious that you’ll wonder how you missed them previously.

Why is this worth noticing?

Well, if you notice a change in someone’s physiology or a shift in their voice tone that’s telling you that some sort of interior change has happened. If you observe it consistently happening in a particular situation, or in response to something that you’re doing, you can get an idea of what it means. The more you notice, the better you will get at ‘reading’ people and understanding how to improve your communication and relationships.

Reserve My Place