NE Life Coach  Impact of Self-Limiting Beliefs

Self-limiting beliefs are the key block to growing your business or progressing your career.  It isn’t skill, time or even money.  It’s the beliefs that you hold about yourself.

Self-limiting beliefs are particularly dominant in the early stages of your business or career or at those crucial times when you are trying to grow your business or having started a new role. It’s not that you lack the knowledge or skill to move to the next stage; it’s those self-limiting beliefs that run rampant and free that are killing your chances of success.

So, what is it that these self-limiting beliefs actually do or cause?

Self-limiting beliefs create patterns of self-sabotage.

Deep in the core of your being you hold a belief that you’re a failure and that means you don’t deserve success.  However, you desperately long for this success and you throw your entire being at it to achieve success.  All of your energy, every last drop goes into the change you are trying to make.  All of your time is dedicated towards your business or career to the exclusion of everything else and you end up working 100-hour weeks as the norm.  You invest all your resources into this to the point of depletion. You continue until you are completely and utterly exhausted yet no matter what you do, the change you are looking for doesn’t happen.


You make critical errors that wipe out all the hard work and effort that you’ve invested.  Now you’re stretched too thin and the quality of your work or product or both, drops.  You aren’t able to convert conversations to sales.  In essence, all this does is reinforce your belief that you are a failure and don’t deserve success. The result? Procrastination runs riot, you become lethargic and it’s easy to put off important tasks when you don’t believe that they will lead to success.  You then become trapped in that “what’s the point?” mindset.

You then find that it’s becomes a lot easier to avoid doing all the work necessary to build your business because deep down you believe you won’t win.  The easy option is to fill your time with Facebook, falling down rabbit holes on YouTube or bingeing on Netflix box-sets; all your energy and drive has gone.

Self-limiting beliefs cause you to aim low.

If you feel deep down you don’t believe that you will achieve your goal, then you aim for lower dreams, hopes, aspirations and goals.

Deep down you don’t truly believe that you can accomplish your desired goal. This is more than doubt. It’s a deep-rooted belief.  Consequently, you set your aim lower.  As a result, you fail to stand out.  Your offering is swathed in mediocrity and you limit your own potential. I’m reminded of this quote:

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it.” Michaelangelo

Self-limiting beliefs drain your energy

You know that feeling of conflict when your heart says one thing and your inner-critic says another?  The battle that then ensues between the two of them is draining and irrespective of which one ‘wins’ you become the loser.  Your energy is completely depleted and the energy that you create around you in this state can be so toxic.  To be as effective as possible it’s paramount that you create the best possible energy around you, your business, your product, your career and role.   If you don’t, there’s a massive risk that you’ll damage the quality of your work, which in turn can damage your business and your reputation.

Yet, when your heart and mind are united in flow, when they are congruent with your aims, they become aligned to an incredible energy that’s just right for you and your business or career.  This energy is then something that your clients and colleagues react to so positively and you, your business and your work begin to thrive and soar.

If your heart and mind are aligned with the right energy for you then you will be able to move mountains.

“With the right spirit we can pull up trees” Nwanko Kanu

What next?

This is what self-limiting beliefs that are voiced by your inner-critic do, but how do you get rid of them? Do you need to get rid of them?  After all they are part of you and each part of you has a truly positive intention behind it’s behaviour.  We may not consciously know what it is; but it’s there.  Perhaps what we need to do is develop our own inner cheerleader to redress the balance?

Get ready to begin your journey to that point where heart and mind are fully aligned; aiming for the stars because you truly believe that you can and that you deserve to reach them.


If you would like to contact me to discuss any of these issues, please click here: Conatact Lou