Messages for Your Brain

Messages for Your Brain

Our brains are incredibly complex. We can sift through billions of bits of data at any given time. And somehow, so we don’t short circuit, we have to organize that information. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) helps with that. The RAS is a bundle of nerves at our...
Three Bear Dental Appointment

Three Bear Dental Appointment

My teddy bear goes everywhere with me. Whenever I leave the house, my bear is attached to my handbag. So it’s not unusual that when I go to the dentist, my bear goes with me. If something goes wrong, if I need a filling or expect to have a little bit of ‘work’ done,...
Being Thankful

Being Thankful

Being Thankful Being thankful is a key part of my daily routine, irrespective of the type of day I have. Ensuring that I always find aspects of my day to be thankful for has been a key ingredient in maintaining my mental wellbeing. Yet when you’re having a really...
What’s One Thing You Couldn’t Do Without?

What’s One Thing You Couldn’t Do Without?

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? For me, it’s Post-it® notes. I love them. Ok, to be fair, I love all stationery, especially Post-it® notes; they’re so handy! I use them in all situations and always have some on my person! It’s not just they’re useful...
All or Nothing v Being Enough

All or Nothing v Being Enough

If left to my own devices, I’m an ‘all or nothing’ person. Either completely obsessed or totally disinterested. For some, this will work. For me…. hmmm not so much. It feels like being on a rollercoaster ride, plenty of screaming, occasionally...