Messages for Your Brain

Messages for Your Brain

Our brains are incredibly complex. We can sift through billions of bits of data at any given time. And somehow, so we don’t short circuit, we have to organize that information. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) helps with that. The RAS is a bundle of nerves at our...

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Three Bear Dental Appointment

Three Bear Dental Appointment

My teddy bear goes everywhere with me. Whenever I leave the house, my bear is attached to my handbag. So it’s not unusual that when I go to the dentist, my bear goes with me. If something goes wrong, if I need a filling or expect to have a little bit of ‘work’ done,...

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Are You Wearing Your Grumpy Knickers?

Are You Wearing Your Grumpy Knickers?

Some days, I confess, that I put my grumpy knickers on without realizing it. Every little thing seems to happen for the sole purpose of exacerbating my already grumpy mood. All the traffic lights are on red when you’re in a hurry. You get stuck by the learner driver...

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How do you maintain your motivation? Motivation is very personal. Some people are able to maintain their motivation, they just keep going on the path to achieve their goal, irrespective of whether the goal is in 3 months, 8 months or 2 years. How do they do it? Their...

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Being Thankful

Being Thankful

Being Thankful Being thankful is a key part of my daily routine, irrespective of the type of day I have. Ensuring that I always find aspects of my day to be thankful for has been a key ingredient in maintaining my mental wellbeing. Yet when you’re having a really...

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Are Your Habits Helpful? I’m sure, like me, you have some frustrating, unhelpful habits that you’d love to get rid of. Whether it’s staying up late to watch ‘just one more’ episode on Netflix, or the biscuit you always have with a cuppa, late night snacking, biting...

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What’s One Thing You Couldn’t Do Without?

What’s One Thing You Couldn’t Do Without?

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? For me, it’s Post-it® notes. I love them. Ok, to be fair, I love all stationery, especially Post-it® notes; they’re so handy! I use them in all situations and always have some on my person! It’s not just they’re useful...

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All or Nothing v Being Enough

All or Nothing v Being Enough

If left to my own devices, I'm an 'all or nothing' person. Either completely obsessed or totally disinterested. For some, this will work. For me.... hmmm not so much. It feels like being on a rollercoaster ride, plenty of screaming, occasionally fun but mostly utter...

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Coronavirus and Wellbeing Podcast

Coronavirus and Wellbeing Podcast

Podcast - Maintaining Well-Being in Coronavirus Pandemic We are all facing challenges as we live through these uncertain times as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. It becomes particularly important to take care of ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. In...

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NE Life Coach and Mindfulness

NE Life Coach and Mindfulness

  NE Life Coach and Mindfulness Was mindfulness one of your New Year Resolutions? Are you in the 80% of the population who will have given up on their resolutions by now?  Often this is because we don’t clearly explore why it is we want to set that resolution, we...

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NE Life Coach Mindfulness Pain Stress

NE Life Coach Mindfulness Pain Stress

NE Life Coach - Mindfulness Pain Stress Mindfulness is certainly continuing to have its ‘moment’.  Mindfulness apps, mindfulness colouring books, mindfulness courses for stress, for pain, for depression; mindful eating, mindful walking and the list goes on. Out of...

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NE Life Coach Self-Belief & Self-Confidence

NE Life Coach Self-Belief & Self-Confidence

  NE Life Coach: Self-Belief & Self-Confidence Self-belief and self-confidence are often confused yet they are different and each can exist independently of each other. Self-Confidence "Confidence" comes from the Latin fidere which means "to trust." To be...

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NE Life Coach Goals for 2020

NE Life Coach Goals for 2020

NE Life Coach talks Goals for 2020 I cannot quite believe that another has passed; it seems no time since I was writing about goal setting for 2019 and here we are, on the cusp of 2020.  A new year, a new decade.  It’s normal at this stage to reflect on our progress...

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NE Life Coach Managing Christmas Stress

NE Life Coach Managing Christmas Stress

NE Life Coach Managing Christmas Stress I’m sitting in Cullercoats Coffee as I write this, looking at a gorgeous wood fire and wonderful Christmas Tree and feeling completely free from Christmas stress..  It’s a lovely place.  It’s like a rather eclectic and extremely...

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NE Life Coach and Fear of Failure

NE Life Coach and Fear of Failure

NE Life Coach and Fear of Failure Fear of failure doesn’t just impact perfectionists.  It’s not just feeling a few butterflies when you’re trying something new; that little bit of anxiety is perfectly normal.  Fear of failure is more; fear of failure can prevent us...

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NE Life Coach Perfectionism

NE Life Coach Perfectionism

NE Life Coach Talks Perfectionism  Perfectionism is either viewed as a positive or it’s taken lightly, something we joke about being.  Yet the expectations and stress it places people under means that perfectionism is often very much misunderstood. In my last blog I...

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NE Life Coach Calling all Perfectionists

NE Life Coach Calling all Perfectionists

Are you a perfectionist?  Over the last few months I’ve been trying an experiment of sorts.  I’ve tried it once or twice before with varying degrees of success.  No matter how often I try, it’s still a challenge, although each time it does become a little easier. I have channelled my energy into being distinctly average!

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NE Life Coach How are you living your life?

NE Life Coach How are you living your life?

NE Life Coach - How are you living your life? I've been reflecting on this question for a number of days now: how are you living your life? I’ve been trying to write this blog for 4 days but became too upset each time I tried.  So today, I’m accepting that I will get...

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NE Life Coach Low Mood

NE Life Coach Low Mood

NE Life Coach and Low Mood If you're in a low mood, creating a happy mood is entirely within your control.  I’m sure you’ve heard of “Fake it til you make it” and in essence this is what you can do to your brain.  Neuroscience shows us that ethical ‘cheats’ for the...

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NE Life Coach: Depression

NE Life Coach: Depression

NE Life Coach: Depression There is so much in the media these days regarding depression, mental health, mental well-being, depression and its impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. Along with this we hear how much the National Health Service (NHS) is...

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NE Life Coach Choosing a Coach

NE Life Coach Choosing a Coach

NE Life Coach on How to Choose a Life Coach The number of Life Coaches has grown exponentially over the last 10 years.  Coaching is generally forward looking and often solutions based with the focus on you.  This has meant that many now prefer it to other forms of...

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What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching? I’ve been asked this a lot recently and it’s a perfectly valid question.  I thought I would take the opportunity to answer the questions in a series of blog posts because the reasons people come to see me for life coaching are many and varied....

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NE Life Coach Try Laughter

NE Life Coach Try Laughter

NE Life Coach - Try Laughter This week I received notification via Meetup of a Laughter group.  Yes, you read that right, a Laughter group. “What on earth is a laughter group?” I thought.  Do you sit and tell jokes; perhaps analyse different types of laughter? Well...

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NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach Negative Thinking

NE Life Coach and Negative Thinking One of the key areas of my work is supporting clients in developing their self-belief.  To do this we often need to overcome a lot of negative thinking. Some of these negative thoughts are the result of many years of conditioning,...

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NE Life Coach Let Go

NE Life Coach Let Go

NE Life Coach and how to let go I’m curious, how would it be for you if you could let go of all your concerns and fully participate in the moment? How would you enjoy the feeling of doing something fun or stepping out of your comfort zone? What would it feel like to...

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NE Life Coach Affirmations

NE Life Coach Affirmations

NE Life Coach and Affirmations A lot of clients have been asking me about affirmations, for example, why use affirmations and how do affirmations work? Most of the day the mind is busy chattering away to itself about this and that, a continuous stream of observations...

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NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life Coach and Happiness

NE Life: Coach Be Happy “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”   As a coach I come across people who tell me that their goal is to ‘Be Happy’.  It has become something that they are striving for, something for them to attain and achieve.  The truth is, we all...

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NE Life Coach Comfort Zone

NE Life Coach Comfort Zone

NE Life Coach Explores Expanding Your Comfort Zone As a member of the Association of Coaching I am able to join some wonderful development webinars.  The most recent was to watch a demonstration of Clean Coaching and the topic that the coachee focused on was their...

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NE Life Coach Your Relationship

NE Life Coach Your Relationship

NE Life Coach Asks How good is your relationship with you? I've been thinking about how much time, effort and energy we put in to building a good relationship with other people, whether it’s at home, at work or in our social life,we spend lots of time listening and...

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NE Life Coach Setting Goals 2019

NE Life Coach Setting Goals 2019

NE Life Coach and Setting Goals for 2019 Well, here we are, it’s that time of year again.  We are about to start a brand new year full of possibilities and opportunities and new year resolutions and goals. You may have already had conversations about them and often...

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NE Life Coach Enjoying Christmas

NE Life Coach Enjoying Christmas

NE Life Coach tips to enjoy a stress-free Christmas Well Christmas is nearly here.  The culmination of all those preparations, all that shopping, present wrapping, baking and cooking. It always intrigues me how we put so much pressure on ourselves to have the perfect...

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NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach & Grumpiness

NE Life Coach Lou Laggan Ponders Grumpiness Do you ever have those days when you’re just in a fettle, just plain grumpy?  You know the ones, the ‘meh’ kind of day.  Nothing goes well; you cannot fully engage with anything and you feel grumpy all the time.  We can all...

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NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach & Self-Belief

NE Life Coach and Self-Belief As a Life Coach I work with lots of clients to support them in building their Self-Belief.  Here are some tips that you may find useful. Try and accept yourself Ooh that’s obvious!  Easy!  If I could do that then I wouldn’t have a problem...

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NE Life Coach & Negative Thoughts

NE Life Coach & Negative Thoughts

Tips on dealing with Negative Thoughts from NE Life Coach Negative thoughts.  Intrusive Thoughts.  Self-limiting beliefs.  Monkey Mind.  We all have them to one degree or another.  These are the messages that pop into our heads each day.  For some of us they happen so...

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NE Life Coach and Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach and Self-Limiting Beliefs

NE Life Coach reviews Self-Limiting Beliefs & Business Women  Self-limiting beliefs are the key block to growing your business.  It isn’t skill, time or even money.  It’s the beliefs that you hold about yourself. Self-limiting beliefs are particularly dominant in...

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NE LifeCoach and Depression

NE LifeCoach and Depression

NE LifeCoach asks Depression – have we got it wrong? My own experience of depression involves the usual discussions that depression is caused by low levels of serotonin; that antidepressants such as Prozac or Sertraline (the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or...

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Happiness and Habits from NE LifeCoach

Happiness and Habits from NE LifeCoach

NE LifeCoach views on Happiness and Habits  Without realising it, many of us have created habits that reduce our happiness.  We end up repeating behaviours that make us miserable and then wonder why we aren’t happy.  I decided to share some of the ones that I’ve...

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Inner Conflict – Views of a NE Life Coach

Inner Conflict – Views of a NE Life Coach

There are so many different parts to us, to our character and at times the negative thoughts or self-sabotage can be driven by a part of our inner being which is continually negative towards the rest of us.  That sort of relentless, unending and often vicious negativity.  Is it any wonder that this leads to stress and anxiety?

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Feeding Wolves from NE LifeCoach

Feeding Wolves from NE LifeCoach

Feeding Wolves from NE Life Coach As a Life Coach and Business Coach, I will often use stories in my work.  The Cherokee tale of the 2 wolves inside us is a favourite one of mine and you may well be familiar with it.  However, the ending you may be used to isn't the...

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Managing Stress from NE Coach Lou Laggan

Managing Stress from NE Coach Lou Laggan

Managing Stress As a Life Coach and as a Business Coach I'm often asked by clients how they can cope with stress. Stress is an inevitable part of life, it's there for a reason and it isn’t something that we should aim to eradicate completely.  What we can do though is...

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Making Stress Your Friend

Making Stress Your Friend

Stress is perfectly normal.  Clients often tell me that their goal is to never feel stressed again.  As stress has many benefits, it’s important that I work closely with the client to establish exactly the situation in which they feel the stress.  After a lot of...

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